Nic Doran, Lloyd Edwards’ Sales Associate razor blade shaved both his hair and ever-growing (and as Nic would say, luscious) beard just half an hour before Mitch Rowe’s auction at 21 Horseshoe Bend, Buderim (which sold Under The Hammer by the way) on Saturday the 14th of March, in participation of the World’s Greatest Shave, which (as we all know) is in support of the Leukaemia Foundation; did you know that today, 31 people will hear the unfortunate news that they have blood cancer?
That’s 31 reasons to do as many people did on Saturday, and that was; colouring, shaving and donating to the cause. As a result of a generous community, Nic alone managed to raise 153% of his goal of $700; raising a total of $1,068 (Go Nic!).
Nic says he’s feeling the breeze a lot more now that he’s bald, but more importantly, the generosity of a community and that ‘True Blue’ spirit.
We couldn’t possibly be prouder of Nic, and on behalf of the entire team; well done 😀