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Five Things You Might Forget at Open Inspections

By Chloe Thompson

Buying homes for sale is a big milestone in life, but it’s also one of the most thrilling things we’ll experience, too. As such, when you’re looking at houses for sale on the market, it can be easy to breeze through the open inspections process without too much thought. 

However, inspecting a home is just as crucial as securing home loans – you have to do your homework to ensure you’re getting a good deal.

Here are five things that are easily forgotten at home inspections:

Is there noise?

Whether it’s a family home in the suburbs or an inner city apartment, noise is one thing that can make or break a deal. However, simply having a listen at the open inspection might not be enough. After all, noise at midday on a Saturday might be totally different from late on a Friday night, so be sure to come back later to check this.

Who lives next door?

If you’re looking for a family home and you discover a bunch of student-inhabited rental properties next door, it might not be the ideal house for you. When you attend open inspections, make sure you have a long walkabout the area to see who lives nearby.

Similarly, if there’s a lot of construction happening on your street, see what’s being built. A brand new shopping centre might be convenient for you to shop at, but it will also bring lots of traffic to your area.

What are the cafes like?

If you’re a foodie or coffee connoisseur, chances are good local cafes and eateries will be one of your top priorities. Ask your Real Estate Agent if they can recommend some local joints so you can go check them out for yourself.

Are the schools good?

When you have kids, their standard of education is extremely important to you. Before settling on a home, do your homework and see what kinds of schools are in the area and what programmes they offer children. For some, it might be important that your kids go to single-sex or private schools, while others look toward more specialised education systems.

Is there parking?

Not all houses come with garaging, especially if you’re moving to the inner city. If your new home or apartment comes with on or off-street parking, check to see if there are any time restrictions or if it’s an easy spot to move your car into. If it is on-street parking only, check out the spot to see if it’s a safe place to park your car.

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